My photography shoots are now going ahead as normal.
Of course, some precautions still have to be taken to comply with regulations and ensure the safety of myself and my subjects, as follows:
At least 24 hours prior to the photo shoot
- Inform me if anyone in your household is showing symptoms of the virus or has been told to self-isolate due to being in close contact with a person with a positive test result (or awaiting the outcome of a result). In this case the photo shoot will have to be postponed for a later date. Similarly I will not be able to carry out the photo if this applies to me also.
Prior to my arrival
- For portraiture you will need to clear a space of furniture etc within your home/business premises to meet the requirements of the photo shoot (see below for minimum dimensions). This is so that I am able to set up my backdrop, lights and camera position without having to touch these items.
- Single person headshots, babies and children or pets without backdrop - 3ft wide by 5ft deep
- 1-2 persons headshots, babies and children or pets with backdrop - 6ft wide by 5ft deep
- Single person full length shots without backdrop - 3ft wide by 7ft deep
- Single person full length shots or 3-5 person headshots with backdrop - 6ft wide by 7ft deep
- 3-5 person full length shots - 6ft wide by 8ft deep
- For product photography you will need to provide a flat surface (such as a table) large enough to allow at least 6 inches of space around the object, 1ft of space either side of the surface and 2ft of space in front.
- Leave any internal doors open through which I will have to pass to minimise contact with door handles.
After my arrival
- All persons within the household should remain at least 1 meter away from the photo shoot area while I set up/put away my equipment.
- Persons within the household not directly involved in the photoshoot should remain in a separate room if possible.
General Care
- Before or during each photo shoot I will:
- sanitise all equipment to be used (where possible)
- sanitise my hands
- avoid touching items or surfaces within the home/business premises (where possible)
- remain at least 1 meter away from all my subjects (where possible)
Something to look forward to!
If you are self-isolating or otherwise limiting your contact with other people for a little while longer my Photography Gift Vouchers will give you (or someone you love) something fun to look forward to without the need to spend any money 'up front'.
You can read all about them and create yours on my Gift Vouchers page.
Best wishes, Carol.